Taking Care of Your inner world

In regards to taking care of your inner world, Michael Singer says (I’m paraphrasing slightly), “it is your responsibility to take care of your inner environment.. if you leave it alone, it will be a mess.. and when it’s a mess, it’s uncomfortable.. and when it’s uncomfortable, we often try to control things on the outside and strive for circumstances (relationships, jobs, apartments, etc) that will make this discomfort go away or distract us ..”

But that’s not going to work.

There’s an alternate life - straighten up the mess!

This is the spiritual path.

When you experience difficult situations in life and don’t have the opportunity to process them, they get stored within you, as a vibration.. and when certain vibrations come into our field of existence that seem similar, we are going to want to push them away.

Spirituality means not pushing those vibrations away, and instead fully experiencing them and learning from the discomfort they create.. using a metaphor from the Bhagavad Gita, we take the reigns back and begin to steer the chariot.

We can learn to become comfortable with all vibrations of life, and honor, accept, and respect all aspects of reality.

This is the essence of spirituality - being open, receptive, and allowing every vibration come through you so it doesn’t get stored.

This is an expansion of your being.

Yes, this whole process is difficult and ongoing, but as one of my mentors states, “the discomfort doesn’t change, but our relationship to it does..” because we come to understand the peace, clarity, freedom, and connectedness that lays on the other side.

Here are some of my favorite practices to navigate this process:

☀️ Daily meditation (twice, if possible), and vagal toning practices,
☀️ Daily mindful movement practice (even if only for 5-10 mins),
☀️ Community!
☀️ Spending time w Family & Friends,
☀️ Consistent sleep and wake times each day,
☀️ Home cooked and regular, consistent meals (I struggle with this one but notice such a big difference in my energy and mood),
☀️ Creating a sanctuary in my outer space - candles, plants, essential oils, organization,
☀️ LOTS of animal time - snuggles and pets,
☀️ Self care favorites: baths, face masks, dry brushing, acupuncture, massage (professional or self), and more!

What are some of your favorites?!


Learning the Language of the body practice


Ayuerveda & Balance