Learning the Language of the body practice

We all have pre-existing relationships to certain emotions (i.e., , and it’s important to note that all are equally important messages from the body!  Here is one of my favorite practices to create space for and begin to understand our emotions, and the language of the body:

Learning the Language of the Body Practice

  • Find a comfortable seat.

  • Take a few minutes of deep, diaphragmatic breaths - inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds.

  • Draw your mind to the emotion(s) you notice in your body and let it rest there for a few minutes. 

    • What does the sensation feel like? Is it located in just one spot, several, or in a broad area? As you focus your awareness on it, does it begin to move to another location, or lessen in intensity?

  • Plant a seed in the form of a question: “What are you trying to tell me? Please let me know all I am ready to receive at this moment.”

    • Listen quietly for a few minutes (you are learning the language of your body).

  • Optional: I love to end my practices with a bow, as I feel it brings a sense of sacredness to myself, my space, and my practice.

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, and if / how this practice supports your journey.




What is an awakening?


Taking Care of Your inner world